Reading Support Our Writing Learning Center tutors can assist you with reading as well. Visit the Writing Center for tutoring options Reading Handouts: Active Reading Strategies Approaching New Words Finding the Main Idea Highlighting and Annotating Identifying the Topic Mapping Your Text Patterns of Organization Prefixes, Roots, and Suffixes Reading Your Textbook Recognizing Context Clues Recognizing Transitions SQ3R Summarizing Your Text Time Management: Self-Assessment Writing a Formal Summary Writing a Topic and Main Idea Writing an Informal Summary Videos Annotating and Highlighting Annotating and Highlighting Concept Mapping Context Clues: Introduction Context Clues: Definition, Restatement, and Example Context Clues: Contrast and General Knowledge Formal Summary Informal Summary Main Ideas Organizational Patterns: Time Order and Listing Organizational Patterns: Definition and Classification Organizational Patterns: Cause/Effect and Compare/Contrast Organizational Patterns: Primary and Combined Paraphrasing Reading Your Textbook Supporting Details Topic Understanding a Syllabus